We no longer just look back

Predictive analytics

While data is analysed and evaluated in a meaningful way (analysis & reporting) and process data is made available "just in time" (monitoring), the importance of data for pattern recognition and prediction is increasing. Predictive analytics is a sub-area of business intelligence and deals primarily with expected and possible events.

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antares predictive analytics

The mathematical approach of the tool uses a time series analysis of purchase and sales data to enable the most accurate possible forecast of price level and demand development as well as their mutual effect. Other parameters such as storage costs, expiry dates or costs of unservable demand as well as special effects such as seasonal sales or major events are also taken into account. Based on this, recommendations for action can be derived, for example at the time of purchase with low price levels, at the optimal time for coordinated marketing and sales campaigns or at the time of sale with high demand.

Predictive analytics: process steps
Mathematical models

Mathematical models

Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition

Scenario simulation

Scenario simulation

Monte carlo simulation

Monte carlo simulation

Functions of predictive analysis

  • Application of mathematical models enriched with geographical data to generate even more knowledge from data.
  • Supplementing simple statistical models with complex methods of time series analysis to extrapolate events into the future.
  • Enormous competitive advantage for competitive companies by looking into the near future.
  • Better planning and decision-making basis to derive promising measures.
  • Analysis and planning software tailored to your wishes, requirements and business processes.

Predictive Analytics: Process

antares at a glance

  • Software provider in the areas of risk management and business intelligence
  • 30-strong team consisting of IT and technical experts
  • Own in-house development team
  • Over 30 years of experience in the development of information systems
  • 3,000+ projects successfully completed
  • 45,000+ active users work with antares information systems every day

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Don't just look back anymore. Visualise forecast results with antares predictive analytics and discuss them in the team.

Your request for antares Predictive Analytics

Thank you for your interest in our software solution antares Predictive Analytics.

The application is characterised by a wide range of possible uses, individual design according to requirements and simple user guidance. Further advantages and product features can be found in the following Product brochure.

Do you have any questions about antares Predictive Analytics or the company? Don't hesitate and contact us at 07331/3076-0 or by e-mail at info@antares-is.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Arrange a free product demo

Select your desired option and arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with our Managing Director Jochen Brühl.

We will answer your questions and ensure that you get to know our software in detail. We will be happy to show you the solution to your individual requirements. If you wish, we can then present our software's range of services to you, live and direct, via a web session or in person at your premises.

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